June 18, 2016

10 Summer Essentials

Pictured: me & my sister on a cruise to the Bahamas last October<3 Take us back!

Hey guys! If you're like me, you love to see what other ladies consider their "go-to" products to be during different seasons. I just think it's so interesting to see what others use and enjoy and why. Sometimes, I discover new products that end up making my list of essentials! Speaking of my list, here it is...

1. Sunscreen-I use the Hawaiian Tropic Sunscreen Silk Hydration Spray (SPF 30). I prefer the spray because it doesn't take as long to soak in...at least in my mind, it feels like it doesn't. But anyway, sunscreen is so so so important! You know all the reasons why, so I won't go into all that, but just know that it should be at the top of EVERYONE's list of essentials!

2. Summer Playlist-We all need great music to listen to while we're at the beach or poolside! You can make your own playlist on Spotify or just set Pandora up for some background noise. I'm on a Red Hot Chili Peppers kick at the moment. It's my fiance's ALL TIME FAVORITE band!

3. Bronzer-I feel like my face is the last part of me to get tan for some reason. Maybe because most days I'm wearing makeup that blocks the rays. I've been using the Kat von D Shade and Light Palette for both contouring and bronzing, but any matte bronzer will do! I also love NYC's Sunny bronzer for a super cheap alternative.

4. Flowy tops/tank tops-I rarely ever wear form fitted tops, but I wear them even less often in the summer time. I love an easy-breezy top I can throw on during piping hot days that still allows for air circulation. Tight tops feel suffocating to me and I cannot stand it!

5. Self tanner-Ya'll know that Jergens Natural Glow is my favorite. I've mentioned it several times on TLOAL, so I don't need to explain it much further. I don't get to spend as much time outside as I used to in college because ..ugh adulting. To keep a natural tan without going Oompa Loompa status, I apply this lotion a couple days a week.

6. WATERWATERWATER-It's SO important to stay hydrated all year round, but more so in the summer heat! The sun just zaps the moisture right out of you! I love ice cold water..weird, I know. But I keep a Camelback water bottle with me wherever I go. Necessity.

7. Baby oil and Bic Soleil Razors-I use baby oil in place of shaving cream. It's cheaper because one bottle lasts longer than a can of shaving cream, and its also 's amazing moisturizer. The Soleil razors from Bic are the only razors I use. I'm very clumsy and tend to cut myself when I shave, but these razors are great because I rarely ever cut myself. I don't know why, but I'm going to stick with what works for me. They also give you such a close shave!

8. Bright lips-I don't wear bold/bright lips very often, but for me, summertime is the time to do it. I especially love the Wet'n'Wild matte lipstick in 966 Don't Blink Pink (I don't know why I can only find it in a pack of 3 on Amazon, but I get it at Walgreens usually) because the brand is so inexpensive which is great because I don't wear bright lips too often anyway. But I also love this color because it really is just so darn pretty! I get so many compliments when I wear it and it's only around $2-3! What a steal!

9. Smoothies-They're sooo refreshing in the summer! Smoothies are my go-to when I'm not that hungry for lunch time but still need to have something. You can find tons of amazing recipes online, but my current favorite is just mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, black berries), a scoop of PB2, and water or almond milk. I throw all that in my Oster blender and drink up! It literally takes like 2 minutes! Sometimes, I'll throw in a handful of spinach or kale if I have it on hand for more nutrition.

10. Wet brush-I talked about this brush a little bit on Snapchat recently (my username is brittanileblanc). It's my favorite beauty discovery of 2016 so far! No joke! It glides through tangled, wet hair so easily! My hair gets so tangled after I wash it and I used to HATE combing it out because it was so time-consuming! Since finding this brush, it's so easy and quick to get the job done! Seriously! You NEED this brush!

Well, there you have it! These are ma few of my must have products for summertime, aka my favorite time of year! What are some of your essentials?

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