How tall/what size are you? This helps to know what size to order.
I'm 5'4 and I usually wear extra-small or small, but I'm always willing to size up in things in order to get the look I'm going for.What type of camera do you use?
I have the Nikon D7200 and I use a Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm Standard Lens.What makeup do you use?
I usually change things up every time I run out of a product. The select few things I stick to are Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Powerless Foundation, Rimmel ScandalEyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal Liners in black and nude, It Cosmetics CC+ Airbrush Perfecting Powder, and It Cosmetics Hello Light Powder Illuminizer.Do you plan your outfits in advance?
I usually do. I try to plan them at the beginning of the week, that way, I don't have to think too much when I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning for work because, let's be honest, my brain doesn't function properly until I've had my second cup of coffee. When I don't plan that far in advance, I at least pick out what I'll wear the night before.Do you ever get overwhelmed with all the projects you have going on at once?
Absolutely. I have a full-time job, I run The Life of a Lady, and I'm also the fashion blogger for sbmag.net. I'm also dabbling in the photography business (Facebook: Studio B. Photography). I do have a whole lot going on sometimes, so when I get overwhelmed, I always allow myself some time to pull myself together without thinking about blogging or what I am going to do next. It's important to give yourself a break when you need it because creativity and exhaustion do not mix well. For the most part though, I'm able to stay motivated enough to juggle everything because I love it so much.What does your closet look like and how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Ahh my closet! Well, I live in a tiny 600 square foot apartment, so I'm limited on space. I do have a walk-in closet but it's still pretty small and doesn't hold everything. I store my off-season pieces in suitcases under my bed. Yes, you read that right. During winter, my tank tops, shorts, and sandals are stashed in my luggage to make space for sweaters, jackets, and boots. I also have a garment rack in my bedroom to house new pieces that I haven't worn yet as well as the looks I've planned for the week. Then there's my dresser that holds things like socks, underwear, pajamas, athletic wear, and t-shirts/tanks. I'm very attached to my clothes because I love coming up with new looks using pieces I've worn over and over again, so I don't clean out as often as my mom wishes I did. As for shoes...be right back, I have to count. Ok, I'm back. 51 pairs of shoes. That's not so bad. There may be a few pairs hiding around here somewhere, but 51 is what I've found.Who are your favorite bloggers?
My ultimate favorite is Brittany from Thrifts and Threads and that's not just because we share our names! I love her chic style (and her snaps on Snapchat)! I also love Taye from Stuff She Likes who makes frequent appearances in Brittany's snaps. (; Haha. I love love love Emily from The Sweetest Thing and Cait from Southern Curls and Pearls! And one more blogger that's high on my list is Brighton from Brighton the Day! Love all of these girls!
Feel free to email me with any questions you may have for me! You can also find me on any of my social media pages (below)!
Peace, love, and FAQs,
Email: itsthelifeofalady@gmail.com
Facebook: The Life of a Lady
Twitter: @thelifeofalady0
Instagram: @thelifeofalady
Pinterest: @thelifeofalady0
Tumblr: thelifeofalady0
Snapchat: brittanileblanc
Amazing post with great content filled with useful points and tons of real world examples. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it out into the world! I’m saving it for reference!
It was a nice juicy article, filled with useful points and tons of real world examples. Thank you so much for taking the time to put it out into the world! I’m saving it for reference!